I Said What?


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New Book:

Helene Rothschild shares her humor and wisdom.

This new, easy to read, funny and profound book can help you to love yourself, and be happier and healthier.

The chapter titles include: “I Said What?; People Said and Did What?; I Learned What About Life From Sports?; I Said What to Clients?; I Wrote What Empowering Articles and Inspirational Poems? ”

“Rothschild’s book “I Said What?” is a delightful read that will inspire you with its wisdom and insightful suggestions – and have you laughing all along the way. As Rothschild recounts numerous experiences with her clients over the years, you are certain to learn about the human condition, discover profound ways you can navigate through challenges, and get on the road to healing and living a fulfilling life!” Beverly Molina, author of Brave and Awake

“Helene’s book captures her delightful and insightful wisdom.  It’s engaging in every sense of the word and blends humor with profundity. I would highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to grow and who likes to laugh!” Ammora Grace, Founder of Love of Life Institute

“Helene’s love and humor, combined with her knowledge, inspiration and profound pearls of healing wisdom are a perfect match. She is truly a gift to humanity!” Harmony Faith Blanchard, Massage Therapist

Sample Chapter: https://helenerothschild.com/blog/i-said-what-to clients/

Sample Chapter: https://helenerothschild.com/blog/i-learned-what-about-life-from-sports/

(135 pages, spiral bound)


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