by admin | Nov 18, 2013 | Spiritual Blog
Midwest Book Review by Richard R. Blake
“Angel on Call- Pathways to Love and Enlightenment”
by Helene Rothschild, Robert D. Reed Publishers
Enlightenment, Transformation, and Fulfillment
“Angel on Call” is Helene Rothschild’s story of commitment to service. She relates her journey on the path to enlightenment. She tells how she entered into a new level of consciousness as she ascertained the divine purpose for her life.
Helene’s story reveals how the courage to do what you truly want to do will enlarge your perspective, reduce your anxiety, provide a sense of freedom, and allow you to reach your full potential.
Helene relates how her personal journey into spiritual growth and healing took a new turn in 1976 when she moved to California with her young daughters and enrolled at Santa Clara University to pursue the Masters Degree program in counseling.
Years later, after experiencing a successful counseling career in the San Jose area Helene relocated to a community in Sedona, Arizona for a period of spiritual growth and healing. Here she was surrounded by people of like interests who were also dedicated to a life of divine service.
After ten years in Sedona, Helene was encouraged by the angelic beings to return to California, specifically to the Carmel valley. She expresses the steps in her angel trust walk and how she received instructions for this move. In the years that followed Helene has made several other moves in response to the angelic messages. Each of these moves, in turn, became another adventure in her spiritual journey.
Rothschild illustrates what she calls being used as one of God’s scribes. She talks about spirituality versus religion, cosmic partnership, cosmic mission, intergalactic Peace Corp, and twelve steps to enlightenment, the power of intuition, channeling and ghost busting. She includes excerpts from earlier writings including over 100 spiritual affirmations.
Rothschild’s writing is fresh, written with clarity, providing the reader with keys to finding enlightenment, transformation, and fulfillment. “Angel on Call” will be welcomed by those who read her earlier book “All You Need Is H A R T,” and by anyone seeking to discover and pursue a journey to a deeper life for gaining access to the path to spirituality, love and spiritual illumination.
by admin | Nov 18, 2013 | Spiritual Blog
Arcturians Channeled Message
Excerpts from Helene Rothschild’s
“Angel on Call- Pathways to Love and Enlightenment”
Chapter 25
Arcturians Speak
Greetings, dear one, we are the Arcturians. We are from the fifth dimension and we are of the light. We are very grateful and honored to be with you now. We wish to share some of our thoughts and feelings with you many beautiful earthlings on planet Earth.
We came here many eons ago to settle this planet, and then we evolved to the fifth dimension. So we know what it is like, dear one, to live on planet Earth. Although we must say that it wasn’t as “civilized,” as you call it, as it is now. But we lived here; we bred here, learned here, and worked here. We have much compassion for you now as we know and understand much that you endure. That is one reason why we agreed to come when God requested our appearance. We came to assist you at this time as we had been assisted when we went through this transformation.
We are honored and grateful to be with you and to serve you. We have been honored and grateful to be able to serve this being who we are speaking through now. We would be honored and grateful to serve you too–if that is what you have asked for before you came into this incarnation, or if at any time you choose to ask us now. But we cannot do anything, dear one, unless you ask, because we totally honor your free will. We will never, never disregard your free will. You see dear one, it is most difficult to do that from this plane, as we know that we will take on your pain and your Karma. We do not want to experience that. We are complete with pain.
Remember, dear one, that love is your power; light is your power. Fear makes you powerless. So release your fears. Drop them into the water. Let them disperse as a drop of ink disperses when it is thrown into the water. The water will transform your fears. Then allow love and light in the form of a color, vibration, or frequency to come through you and fill your divine being; to remind you of who you are.
~ The Arcturians
by admin | Nov 18, 2013 | Spiritual Blog
Sananda and Mother Mary’s Channeled Messages
Excerpts from Helene Rothschild’s
“Angel on Call- Pathways to Love and Enlightenment”
Chapter 26
Divine Messages: Mother Mary & Sananda (The Spirit of Jesus)
When I was preparing this book for the publisher, Mother Mary and Sananda asked me to allow them to channel their messages to you. It is always an honor and joy to bring though their divine love, light and wisdom. I realized that it was a wonderful last chapter, as we reinforce the divine truth and deepen your feelings of divine love.
As mentioned in the Channeling chapter, beings from the 8th dimension or higher have evolved beyond an individual spirit and speak in the “we” form.
I suggest that you open your heart and allow their healing love to flow deep inside of you. You deserve their love! Enjoy this elixir of life!
Message From Mother Mary
“Dear ones, we love you so much. All that you do is appreciated by us. All that you are, we divinely respect and honor. All that you think and feel is valuable for your consciousness and that of the planet. You make much more of a difference than you realize. Look not around you to be concerned about anything. Look up always and remember that we are always with you.
We love you unconditionally and will always support your divine life as well as your divine mission. We respect your courage to face your earth challenges which we see as opportunities for you to expand and reach deep inside of yourself to remember the truth. You are love and light. Only blocking that truth will cause you to be distant from your joy and happiness. Embrace your truth and you will experience magnificent joy that is immeasurable. Can you imagine that, dear one?”
~ Mother Mary
Message from Sananda (The Spirit of Jesus)
“Dear ones, we are with you. We have always been with you and always will. We never leave you. You are never alone. We have so much love for you that it could fill the entire galaxy and beyond. Feel our love, dear ones. Feel our divine presence. You are worthy of the light!
Allow the light to come down through you and then spread it with your outstretched arms to everyone and everything. That is who and what you are; that is healing and it is your power. That is the way to live in joy, harmony and peace. We ask that you question no more. Thank the mind for being concerned, and reassure it that you are safe and okay. You are a vibrant child of God. You are one with us. You are magnificent!”
~ Sananda
Readers have expressed that the complete messages are a treasure.
by admin | Nov 18, 2013 | Spiritual Blog
“Angel on Call” – Pathways to Love and Enlightenment
by Helene Rothschild
Introduction: Commitment to Service
The dew was naturally watering the leaves and the colorful flowers; they seemed to sparkle in the rays of the sun. The cloudless sky was a beautiful shade of light blue. God truly has the most versatile and magnificent palette. My morning walk on the mountain road, one spring morning, was not unusual – except for the thoughts that were broadcasting in my head.
“I have to serve! I must be in service! If my loved ones threaten to disown me for following this path, so be it! With no hesitation, I would release them with love to go their own way, as I must go mine.”
At that moment, I made a conscious decision to turn my life over to service. Just as a rose is and can only be a rose, I am and can only be an angel on call. From every cell of my body, service became my reason for being, my intent, and my focus – serving for the sake of serving.
It is true that I was already committed to following my intuition and that I was helping people in many ways. I was also using the word ‘service’ instead of ‘work,’ as the former means that I am coming from love. In fact, I realized that people who were coming from love, no matter what they were doing, were healers in service. For example, I noticed how I felt better after a waitress or waiter served me with a warm smile.
However, focusing my life on lovingly assisting others was another level of commitment, and a deep inner peace and joy filled my heart and soul. There were no recent books, teachers, or workshops preceding this precious life-changing moment – although, all of the above helped me reach that place of clarity and make the decision to surrender to divine service. This was simply the moment it all came together in recognition — a time of awakening another level of consciousness — time that started a path of new adventures, way beyond what my mind could possibly know or conceive.
In 1991, the foothills of the Sierra Mountains in California, USA, were a wonderful place to be inspired. My one bedroom, 600 square foot hilltop cabin overlooked the beautiful rolling mountains and many shades of green-leaved trees. I created a “bedroom” in the loft at the top of a steep flight of stairs. This arrangement allowed me to have a downstairs office.
The two-block town, a former gold mining area flooded with prospectors in the earlier days, was now a sleepy place with some concrete remains of former store fronts.
I often returned from my walks with rocks filled with crystals. I heard that wherever there are crystals, gold is not far away and vice versa. Maybe that high energy place had something to do with my leap of consciousness and faith. Was I sent there to uncover my deeper life purpose?
Previously, I had been living and counseling in San Jose, California, the area known as Silicon Valley, which is an hour south of San Francisco. How I ended up in the mountains three hours east is another story which I will share in this book. Suffice it to say, it was all part of the divine plan.
How I arrived to devote my life to service and how it unfolded in the divine plan will be fun to share with you in this book. My goal is to offer you information to expand your horizons, awaken your courage to be all that you are, and to inspire you to reach your true potential.
I have included important clearing and protection information, helpful articles, and empowering excerpts from books that the angelic beings, which I consider to be God’s messengers, have written through me. They have helped me on my spiritual path, and they can also assist you. In the last chapters, you will find their loving channeled messages. Everything in this book is true, except for names of people, which have been changed to protect their privacy, and some of the places, to honor their sacredness. Enjoy the adventure–I certainly have!
by admin | Nov 18, 2013 | Spiritual Blog
“Angel On Call” – Pathways to Love and Enlightenment
by Helene Rothschild
Introduction: Conscious Awakening-Commitment to Service
Part I: Walk About with the Angels
Chapter 1: Latent Gifts
Chapter 2: Move to California
Chapter 3: Sedona Spiritual Adventures
Chapter 4: Angels on Vacation
Chapter 5: Surprise Relocation
Chapter 6: International Angel on Call
Chapter 7: The Journey Continues
Part II: One of God’s Scribes
Chapter 8: Spirituality Versus Religion
Chapter 9: Cosmic Partnership
Chapter 10: Cosmic Mission
Chapter 11: Intergalactic Peace Corp
Chapter 12: A Classical Walk-In
Chapter 13: Warrior Versus Spiritual Warrior
Chapter 14: Twelve Steps to Enlightenment
Chapter 15: Knowledge Verus Wisdom
Chapter 16: The Power of Your Intuition
Chapter 17: Clearing and Protecting Yourself
Chapter 18: Channeling: An Ecstatic Experience
Chapter 19: “Ghost Busting” With Love
Chapter 20: My Past Life Story:”It is Not Safe for Me to be Powerful and to Help People
Chapter 21: Sal’s Story:”I Have to Be Poor and Alone to Develop My Spirituality”
Chapter 22: Kate’s Story:”If I Am to Powerful, I Will Get Killed”
Chapter 23: Spiritual Affirmations
Part III: Messages From the Light
Chapter 24: Mission Possible
Chapter 25: Arcturians Speak
Chapter 26: Divine Messages: Mother Mary and Sananda
Appendix The Arcturians’ Orchestrated a Healing CD
Educational Materials and Services
About the Author
by admin | Aug 8, 2013 | Spiritual Blog
Family of Light:
Helene Rothschild. Kathleen Farrell & Chuck Cunningham
Testimonials, Samples, Contents, About the transformational CD, and more…
“Awesome! I felt transported and transformed!” Toni, CA
“I experienced a very deep relaxation, profound release, and opening of all of my chakras as I listened and became immersed in the sounds of Tibetan bowls, tones, and affirmations. What a treat! Thank you!” Harmony Blanchard, AZ
Enjoy beautiful, healing, high vibration sounds that deeply touch the mind, body, spirit and emotions. This unique CD combines relaxing Crystal & Tibetan singing bowls, ‘toning,’ the Universal Language of the Light, and empowering affirmations that speak to your cell memories and DNA for transformational healing.

Open to the Light Sound Healing & Affirmations CD (51:08)
To listen to the unique healing sounds, right click on the SAMPLES. (coming soon)
1: Open to the Light (05:06)
High Vibration Healing Tones from Singing Crystal & Tibetan Bowls
2: Safe Place Meditation (04:22)
Crystal & Tibetan Bowls & guided visualization.
3: Chakra Clearing & Balancing & Affirmations (10:53)
40′ Wuhan Gong, Crystal & Tibetan Bowls assist to open each chakra.
4: Light Integration (03:58)
Toning, Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls.
5: Arcturian Cellular Awakening (04.10)
Healing Tones, The Universal Language of the Light and Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls.
6: Light Activation (02:26)
Repeat the Language of the Light accompanied by Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls for activation.
7: * Empowering Affirmations (09:31)
For deep healing, repeat the 32 “YOU” affirmations, accompanied by the Tibetan Singing Bowls.
8: * Transformational Affirmations (05:44)
For deep healing, repeat the 32 “I” affirmations, accompanied by the Crystal Singing Bowls.
9: Low Voice Transformational Affirmations (05:42)
Trust that you are hearing the affirmations on a deeper level.
Note: This CD is meant for meditation and relaxation.
We recommend that you close your eyes and listen from your heart and not your mind.
As a self-evaluation, you may want to close your eyes and rate how relaxed you feel from 1-10 (with 10 being high), before and after you listen to the CD.
The CD contains high vibration sounds that are extremely loving and empowering. The affirmations are the keys to high self-esteem and transformational. The healing tones can help you deeply relax, sleep well, and heal your body.
Continuing to listen to this healing CD can help you remember who you are and experience a major transformation. You may feel an instant shift, or, it may be days, weeks, or months before you may be conscious of the healing that occurred.
Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, speaker, has been channeling angelic beings since 1987. One day she found herself spontaneously speaking and singing these high vibration tones and the Universal Language of the Light from a very large healing crystal on Arcturus.
Helene was guided to present their healing sounds at conferences as the “Arcturian Ambassador.” It was difficult for her because she has an untrained voice. However, the results were always very positive with people reporting major instant healings. That gave her the courage to pursue her channeling of these high vibration sounds and co-create this healing CD with Kathleen & Chuck.
Kathleen Farrell & Chuck Cunningham are Master Reiki teachers and multidimentional sound and intuitvie healers for 20 years. They have presented numerous international sound healing events.
(C) 2011 Helene Rothschild, Kathleen Farrell & Chuck Cunningham
(P) 2011 Helene Rothschild, Kathleen Farrell & Chuck Cunningham. All Rights Reserved.
Arcturus (Arc·tu·rus)
Arcturus is a bright orange star about 28 times larger than the Sun, the fourth brightest star in the sky, the brightest star in the constellation Boötes, and approximately 36 light-years from Earth. Its name is derived from the Greek and signifies ‘the Guardian of the Bear’. It can be found by extending the curve of the Big Dipper’s handle.
Arcturus is well known to many, especially those who do any type of healing or assisting others to unify. They are beautiful Angelic Beings who work with us often, as we are in turn assisting others to heal on all levels. They are often known to intercede as well when asked to, and are happy to help people to evolve and open to the higher light octaves and dimensional self.