Inspirational Spiritual Poems
by Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, LMFT
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Please God
Please God, help me be grateful and can I still ask for more?
Help me be healthy, and make it easy, painless and fun.
Help me be prosperous and I promise to share.
Help me be accepting especially of the things I judge.
Please God, help me be giving and also remind me to receive.
Help me be peaceful and can I still tell my truth?
Help me be successful and throw in the feeling that I deserve it too
Help me be humble even though I know I’m magnificent and wise.
Please God, help me be fair and can I also get my equal share?
Help me be forgiving and can you add forgetting too?
Help me be loving without any conditions; well, maybe just a few.
Help me be powerful, and include understanding that it means being me! [/blockquote]
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W orld peace is what we all desire.
O nly possible when we experience inner peace.
R espect and consideration for everyone and everything.
L oving, caring and using arms for hugging.
D oubts, fears and anger resolved constructively.
P ower in the true sense, feeling safe and free.
E agerness to share and help one another.
A ppreciating and acknowledging each other.
C ooperating and functioning as a global family.
E volving to the realization that we are all planetary citizens. [/blockquote]